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Use of Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china and straight leg back roll

Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be used for hurdle practice. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be placed in a triangle shape and can be used as a hurdle equipment. It is good for students to step over without psychological barriers during practice, and it is OK if they can't step over and bump over, so they can put it well and start again. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be used to practice the split leg prancing. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china is placed in a triangle shape. Students can practice the split leg prancing in the same place, or they can practice the split leg prancing during walking. Put Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china in groups at right angles and square them. Students can practice jumping in and out with their legs, which is both interesting and challenging.

Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be used for hurdle practice. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be placed in a triangle shape and can be used as a hurdle equipment. It is good for students to step over without psychological barriers during practice, and it is OK if they can't step over and bump over, so they can put it well and start again. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china can be used to practice the split leg prancing. Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china is placed in a triangle shape. Students can practice the split leg prancing in the same place, or they can practice the split leg prancing during walking. Put Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china in groups at right angles and square them. Students can practice jumping in and out with their legs, which is both interesting and challenging.

Use Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china to practice the squatting long jump. In the squatting long jump practice, we usually pay more attention to the length of the students' jump, but less attention to the students' flying height and air posture. As we all know, there is a height in the air, so students have time to step in the air, and put their legs forward vigorously, so the result of jumping out is naturally better.

Therefore, the crouching long jump is practiced on the Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china, and the triangular gymnastics mat is placed between the starting line and the bunker, which is conducive to the students' flying. The students' jumping posture in the air is not only beautiful, but also the jumping distance has been significantly improved.

Main points of straight leg back roll: stand with your back facing the roll direction, bend your upper body forward, and put your hands forward and down to the back of your body to actively support the GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china. When your hips touch the mat, lean your upper body back, with palms of your hands facing up, and fingers on your shoulders. At the same time, pull your stomach and lift your legs, turn your hips and bend your body backward, and when your back and hands touch the mat, push and support your hands vigorously, so that your upper body can be lifted into a bent stand.

Teaching method: stand on the Wholesale GYMNASTIC MAT Manufacturers china, and do straight leg back sitting pad exercises from the low to the high. Do a straight leg back roll from high to low on the diagonal pad. Do a complete movement exercise with help. Protection and help: The protector stands at the side of the practitioner, and holds the shoulder with one hand and the hip with the other when rolling back to help turn and push the hand. Easy to make mistakes and correction methods: uncoordinated sitting with straight legs, and "pounding" the cushion with hips. It can be corrected by teaching methods. The back roll is not smooth. It can be corrected by teaching methods.