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How to use the quality VAULTING box

The quality VAULTING box can train explosive power, muscle strength, agility, cardiopulmonary function and balance ability. In the case of exercise standards, muscle strength and aerobic training can be achieved based on the task-first or time-first training mode.

The quality VAULTING box can train explosive power, muscle strength, agility, cardiopulmonary function and balance ability. In the case of exercise standards, muscle strength and aerobic training can be achieved based on the task-first or time-first training mode.

quality VAULTING box

How to use the quality VAULTING box:

1. Facing the VAULTING box, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the distance should be as far as you can jump into the box.
2. After the micro squat, jump up, stretch the hips, knees and ankles, and swing with the upper limbs, jump to the box, and bend the lower limbs to the micro squat as the end of the action.
3. When you return to the ground, if you are worried about the burden on your knees when jumping off the VAULTING box, it is recommended that you can go down the jump box. When you choose to jump down, you must also pay attention. Keep a slight squatting action as an action. Finish.

Quality VAULTING box training notes:
1. A complete hip extension should be done before training
2. Take a step-by-step approach, and you can start with a small jump rope with a smaller impact force as the initial training jump.
3. The VAULTING box should be gradual from low to high.
4. Keep the ground level and there is no debris near the quality VAULTING box.